
Archive for the ‘Off-Topic’ Category

Does Your Favorite Team Embarrass You?

April 5, 2011 Leave a comment

Everyone has a favorite team.  Everyone has a team that they back and support.  You really couldn’t be a sports fan unless you had a team and/or player that you feel more passionate about.  It’s human nature.

You may be willing to do crazy things to show that you support your team.  There are famous examples of fans willing to do whatever it takes to support the team, and even make the opposing team do a double take.  ‘Wild Bill‘ cheers on the Aggies of Utah State has dressed as Cupid and the Tooth Fairy to distract the opposing team from making free throws.  The Washington Redskins have the ‘Hogettes‘, men sporting old lady dresses and wigs, with accessories, to support the capital’s NFL team.

But some things, are just plain embarrassing, and leave you wondering…..’why?’

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Off-Topic: Dear Midland T-Wolves

February 25, 2011 Leave a comment

How are things going in Varna?  I understand that you’re playing for something big tonight, your second consecutive regional championship at the Granville Class 1A Regional tonight against Lowpoint-Washburn.  I also understand this has been a great series this year, with a victory on their home court in December, and a tough loss in the championship game at the Tri-County Conference Tournament last month.  So I just have a simple request as to go into this big game tonight… Read more…

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Off-Topic: Road Trip?

February 16, 2011 Leave a comment

I like to get out.  Sure, I like my moments where I’m just sitting in front of the laptop, conspiring on different plots for the wife’s webcomic, The Muse Academy (which also comes in handy when covering mind-numbing board meetings).  But I enjoy getting outside and going places too.

That’s why this idea popped in my head, inspired in part by Deadspin.  A summer road trip to a baseball game.

Just imagine…you’re with a group of friends/acquaintances.  The sun sets over the left field wall on a cool summer night.  Vendors shouting sales offers for overpriced beer, but you know it’s part of the experience.  And all in front of America’s past time…baseball.  Doesn’t that sound fun?

Why not make it happen?

I am proposing a road trip for league members to see a baseball game this summer.  The game can be as high as the majors to as low as Class A and independent league baseball.  We buy group tickets or rent out a luxury box, and partake in the game.

Mind you, this is still in the early stages, and thing could change.  Maybe the outing gets changed to a golf scramble.  The point of this post is just to gage interest.

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Off-Topic: The Guardian Project

February 1, 2011 Leave a comment

Over the weekend, both the NHL and the NFL held their All-Star games.  Both were high-scoring affairs that really, really, really should have never happened.  At least until they put in crazy rules like trick shots or public drunkenness.  But I digress…

This post isn’t about either game.  This is about the newest project from the NHL called The Guardian Project.  Good idea, bad execution.  It’s basically 30 superheroes, with the designs and behaviors based off each of the NHL teams.

Let’s start snarking on them, reference the Simpsons more than one should, hope the humor hits the mark, and not turn into some awkward, sad affair. Read more…

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June 5th, 2010

January 12, 2011 Leave a comment

For those of you (probably just a few) that follow the blog, you know that there were a couple interruptions in updates.  One happened during the baseball season, and the other during the football season.  The interruption during the football season can be explained to an unsure work schedule, and the craziness of trying to catch up with that.  And yes, the baseball season interruption was also on a work-related reason, but it was much bigger.

The title of this blog post is the day that would change a lot of things, and it is slightly referenced here.  On June 5th last year, a tornado plowed through the town that I work in, Streator, and left a lasting legacy on the city.  In this post, you’ll learn about my experiences about an event that one rarely thinks they will ever encounter in their lives.

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